Luckily I did have a chance to ask him a question that I have always wanted to ask - Where does he get his inspiration? He answered very simplily, "movies, tv, through other photographers' work, just about everywhere". He showed a little note book where he writes down ideas, thoughts and inpirations. Many of us do this, but the difference with him is that he acts upon what he writes down. He sets aside one day per week to experimenting with new ideas. This is something that many photographers do not do. We don't act, yet just sit back and collect a lot of great ideas and then let it go to waste by not acting on it. His new work was inspirational because he acts upon his ideas.
At dinner with friends I was asked where I get my ideas and what I look for when shooting. I think I gave them more of an answer than they bargined for. I can be quite passionate about photography and went into a detailed description of what I had seen during the day of walking throught the city. From their responce, I realized that many living there know that all this exists, but rarily recognize nor appreciate the beaufy in the angles, shapes and curves that the city has in it's buildings and parks. It made me realize that I do have passion in what I do and that I do find inspiration in the things surrounding me.