Sometimes change is a difficult thing to handle. I know of a few photographers who have decided not to embrace the fact that we have to change our way of thinking and their work will suffer because of it. During this economic downturn it is, now more than ever, essential to have a plan that can guide you and help you understand where you have been and where you are going. Why some don’t get this I couldn’t tell you.
I’m trying to take advantage of the downturn – shooting more, calling clients (both new and existing), setting my yearly promotional schedule, visiting New York City at least once per month and creating a realistic budget. Thinking positively is essential for my survival. Without it I feel I will just shrivel up and fad away. For me the glass is Always half full. Be proactive – Be positive – Look at the future and see how bright it is.
This is what APA/DC is trying to instill. Our latest Brown Bag events are geared towards the Business of Change where the focus will be on how to adapt and survive. This is one of the most essential skills photographers now need.
Here is one of my favorite quotes from Will Rogers:
“Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there”
Once we stop changing and adapting to our environment we cease to exist.
We have to “Keep it Moving” even in bad times.